410: Final Exam
Study guide for the Final Examination, 2022
Topics: Anything assigned to read on Part III of the syllabus, units 21-34.
Time: During our last end-of-term meeting.
What: You will be asked to write one long essay (SA) on a general question and four brief term-identification (ID) essays in which you will identify (who, what, when, where) and explain the significance (it's role in US history) of the term.
General themes:
How America became a modern industrial democracy and the consequences.
How the issue of slavery tore the nation apart.
Study questions for the SA.
You will be asked to answer a question like one of these on the exam by writing a coherent, factual, multi-paragraph essay. You will have two to choose from but will be writing only on ONE. This list is currently under construction and subject to change until Friday, Nov. 18.
Was life better for people living in the subsistence-oriented or the market-oriented economy in the early 19th Century? Which system was better for democracy?
Why did the women's equality movement arise when it did?
Was Jackson the first truly democratic president or a dangerous tyrant, or both?
To what extent was the relationship between slaves and masters governed by paternalism?
“No one person (or group of people) did more to prevent peaceful resolution of the slavery crisis than Stephen A. Douglas.” Assess this statement by considering what Douglas did and the role of others. Do any of them come close or supersede Douglas in influence?
Explore the similarities and differences between Lincoln and Douglas in the positions they took in their 1858 debates. What if anything made Lincoln the more attractive anti-slavery candidate?
Key terms for ID essays.
In which you are asked to identify and explain the significance of a term related to what we have studied. Here are some examples of terms that might appear on the test from the units we have studied so far. I will put seven of the bolded terms on the test and ask you to write about four of them. The other terms may help you think about your answer to the SA questions, but the list is not exhaustive. This list is currently under construction and subject to change until Friday, Nov. 18.
Henry David Thoreau
Debt peonage
Company store
Division of Labor
Putting out
Steam power
Pro-slavery argument
Market Revolution
laissez faire
Second Great Awakening
Andrew Jackson
Trail of Tears
Whig Party
Internal improvements
Lucretia Mott
Lucy Stone
Seneca Falls
Women's sphere
Female Education
Cult of domesticity
Separate spheres
William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglass
The Liberator
Moral suasion
Elijah Lovejoy
Wage slaves
John C. Calhoun
Free labor ideology
Gag rule
Slave Power
White trash
New Orleans slave market
Slave religion
Nat Turner
Virginia Debate
Br’er Rabbit
Plantation women
Mexican War
James K. Polk
David Wilmot
Wilmot Proviso
Manifest Destiny
Popular Sovereignty
Henry Clay
Daniel Webster
Omnibus bill
Fugitive Slave Act
Stephen Douglas
Compromise of 1850
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Transcontinental RR
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Border ruffians
John Brown
Charles Sumner
Preston Brooks
Irrepressible conflict
Blundering generation
Roger Taney
Dough Faces
James Buchanan
Dred Scott
Lecompton Constitution
Black Republicans
House Divided Speech
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Doctrine of necessity
Contingency & Judgement
Election of 1860
John Brown
Secret six
Harper's Ferry
Better Angels