PEA Artificial Intelligence Policy
April 25, 2023 Please note that this is an evolving policy that will be updated as technology changes..
Harkness learning is rooted in original thought, critical thinking, discourse, questioning, wondering, reflecting, making mistakes, and changing one’s opinion based on thinking by others. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are opening new possibilities for thinking with and against technology. We recognize that AI tools play a role in the lives of Exonians and will continue to do so into the future. It is important for students to understand the ways in which these tools can be used ethically to enhance, not replace, their own thinking and skills.
Appropriate uses of AI tools will differ by course and by department. In some departments, the use of AI and other technologies is encouraged to further one’s understanding in order to bring new ideas to class. In other courses, these uses of technology and AI tools are not appropriate. If you are considering using an AI Tool but are not sure if it is acceptable for that teacher and class, you should ask your teacher before you use the tool.
When students utilize an AI tool such as ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, DALL-E, or other similar generative technologies, it must be (1) clearly acknowledged at the outset of the assignment; and also (2) clearly and consistently cited, wherever its ideas, writing, or other products are directly or indirectly referenced or substantively helpful in producing the submitted assignment. If AI tools are explicitly disallowed in a course, then AI tools should not be utilized for any part of the learning process or coursework.
Citing Generative Artificial Intelligence:
In many cases, an informal citation will suffice. Examples:
● The following book synopsis was generated by ChatGPT:
● The above poem was not written by me. It was generated by ChaptGPT using the prompt “write a 10-line poem about the rain from the perspective of an American 15 year-old teenager” on March 31, 2023.
For more formal assignments, the AI tool can be cited in a note according to your style guide, including the tool, the prompt (if not in the text), and the date the tool was used. The URL for the AI tool should generally not be included, since it typically requires your login credentials to work. In this way, AI text is more like citing a personal exchange, such as email or an interview. In most cases AI tools do not need to be included in the bibliography or references list for your work. If you modify the AI text, this too should be noted in the text or note. If you save the chat, it can be made available in an appendix or with a URL that the reader can access.
Chicago Manual of Style: FAQ on AI Tools
note: 1. ChatGPT, in response to “Explain how to make pizza dough from common household ingredients,” March 7, 2023, OpenAI.
Author-date: (ChatGPT, March 7, 2023)
APA (interim guidelines as of April 7, 2023):
If the chat is saved and/or shareable, follow guidelines for citing computer software. Format:
Reference listing: Author. (Date of chat). [Description of chat and prompt]. URL
OpenAI. (2023, Feb. 17). [ChatGPT response to a prompt about examples of harm reduction initiatives].
And in-text citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
If the chat can’t be retrieved, use only an in-text note, following guidelines for personal communication. Format:
(Author, personal communication, date-of-chat)
(OpenAI, personal communication, February 17, 2023)
MLA Style: see
Unless instructed differently by the teacher, students use the Chicago Manual of Style or the format specified in the syllabus or course website. When students have questions about proper citation, they should discuss their concerns with their teacher directly. Additional resources on citing sources are available from the library.