Late Paper Policy
LATE PAPERS: Students should turn papers in at the specified deadline, except under extraordinary circumstances. You may take an extension on a regular paper assignment for up to 48-hours without asking permission. Here's how it works: When the paper is due, turn in a printed paper copy (but don't put it into Turn-It-In) of whatever you have done so far, but indicate at the top of page 1 in big bold letters that it is a draft and you are taking the extension. If I don't get a paper from you--either a draft or a finished essay, I'll mark you absent. If you turn in a draft and I don't get a revised paper within 48 hours (by email) I will read and grade whatever you turned in at the time the paper was initially due. There is a penalty for not submitting a draft at the regular deadline when you are taking the extension.
Don't take the extension because you feel like it, but because you have a legitimate reason (two or more other major assignments due on that day, illness). Ask yourself: if I were a teacher, would I grant this extension? Would the extra time give me an unfair advantage over students constrained by the deadline?
Do not consider that you are entitled to the entire 48 extra hours if you don't need it, especially if those hours extend into the weekend. Take only the amount of time that you need because of the circumstance that made you unable to meet the deadline.
Do not ask for a pre-write conference after the initial deadline for the paper.
Do not use the extension to get an advantage over classmates. Don't take the whole 48 hours if you don't need it. If you turn the paper in after 24 hours I'll know that you are acting in good faith. If you take all 48 hours and you take the extension on more than one paper, it suggests you are simply changing the deadline for the assignments.
Do not plan to use this automatic extension more than once. A written explanation will be required for a subsequent use.
The purpose of this policy is to get you to internalize the value of deadlines rather than depend on me, and to become more autonomous individuals.
I reserve the right to rescind this policy at any time for classes or individuals that use it excessively.
This late paper policy does not apply to papers due on the day of the final or to research papers or projects.