420: Unit 3
History 420: United States, 1861-1941, Winter 2025
Part III, The Research Paper
25. Research Project-2 (See Guidelines.)
HOMEWORK: Jot down a proposal that you can give me in class that includes this sentence with items 1 and 2 filled in. (You'll probably figure out 3 only at the end of the writing process.) Do some research.
MEET IN LIBRARY. Turn in the proposal. Keep doing research and compiling a bibliography. You should be familiar with the relevant Libguide and the various electronic databases of periodicals (newspapers and magazines).
Find sources. Read them. Take notes. I'll send you a google doc to sign up for conferences.
26. Research Project-3 (See Guidelines.)
Continue with research but plan to begin actually writing the rough draft. A common mistake of researchers is that they wait too long to move from research to writing (Hint: the research can and should continue after you've begun to write).
27. Release time for research and writing, and individual feedback. We will not meet as a class but I'll be in my classroom if you need some guidance. Email me your research question.
The first part (I am studying) should explain exactly what periodicals you are looking at and the topic they are commenting on. The second (so I can find out) should be the thing(s) you will learn by reading these articles. The third (better understanding) will speak to the significance of your findings--why is this project worth pursuing. This is called "motivating the question." Why should we care? This might be hard to know at this point in the project but, give it a shot (and don't hesitate to change your mind later; your thinking will probably evolve as you learn more).
Here are some links you may find helpful as you do your research.
Don't hesitate to reach out to reference librarians in the library for help using the periodical databases: https://libanswers.exeter.edu/
28. Research Paper Conferences/Release time.
I'll look particularly closely at your bibliography, intro paragraph, and topic sentences (or what will become the topic sentences) of body paragraphs. (See PWG #3 on paragraphs, topic sentences and structure). I'm going to try to fit most of you in during Thursday and Friday, Feb. 13 and 14.
29. Conferences/Revision. When you aren't conferencing, work on producing the final draft of your paper.