550: Unit 3

History 550: Politics and Public Policy, Winter 2025

Part III: Exploring Public Policy Issues

Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

22. Inequality

READ: 550 Readings Book 2: All in the section under Policy Issues on Inequality & Public Policy, pp. 56-84.

QF: Inequality is at the root of all of our problems. 

23. Labor

READ: 550 Readings Book 2: 87-88 & the Labor Policy section, 89-102, and in the Appendix, the selections from the book, What Unions no Longer Do, by Jake Rosenfeld (All of the Introduction and from the top of 187-199)

QF: Unions are no longer necessary. 

The free rider card was found among the possessions of a man who worked in the aerospace industry for several decades in the mid twentieth century. 

24. The Politics of Immigration Policy

READ: 550 Readings Book 2: The section on Immigration, pp. 103-123 & WATCH: 60 Minutes on the H1B visa program.

QF: Open borders is the only ethical immigration policy.

25. Trade 

READ: 550 Readings Book 2: the Trade Policy section, 123-139.

QF: Trump's main asset in the 2020 election was that he went to bat in trade negotiations for the American worker.

Extra Reading if you're interested: Thomas Edsall column, Nov. 2, 2022. Ties trade issue to current politics and rise of conservative populism. 

26. Housing

27. Policy paper due.  Thursday, Nov. 2.  There will be a generous extension policy for those who are working on college Apps last minute.  

28. The 2024 Election. Causes, results, consequences. 

29. The 2024 Election. View the color charts on Blueprint here. 

30. The 2024 Election

Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4